How to Cut Cabbage

By Candace Braun Zafirellis
Published 8/11/2023
How to Cut Cabbage

Not sure of the best way to cut cabbage? Many people don’t know how to cut cabbage and instead opt for store-bought versions of their favorite cabbage recipes, which are often missing that special homemade taste.

My family is the perfect example of this. They request my mom’s coleslaw at every family gathering, even in the winter. Eventually I realized that the reason they crave it so much is because they never want to put in the time and effort to make the coveted dish themselves.

Don’t skip making your favorite cabbage recipes because you feel overwhelmed by the thought of cutting cabbage. Not only will you miss out on tasty dishes like homemade coleslaw, you also won’t reap the health benefits of cabbage. One cup has more than half of the daily recommended vitamin C!

Cabbage is also loaded with phytosterols and fiber, which help keep your digestive system healthy and bowel movements regular. But some people complain that eating cabbage causes gas and intestinal distress. The best way to avoid a bathroom blunder is portion control. Eat a small amount and drink plenty of water until you see how your stomach handles it.

So, are you ready to cut some cabbage? Follow these easy tips and you’ll be well on your way to enjoying delicious homemade coleslaw in no time!

How to Store and Cut Cabbage

After buying your cabbage, store the whole head unwashed in the fridge until you’re ready to prepare it. This helps it stay fresh longer.

When you’re ready to use it, the best way to cut a cabbage is to start by removing any outer leaves that are damaged, brown or wilted. Then thoroughly rinse the head of cabbage under cold water. Pat it dry with a paper towel and place it stem-side down on a cutting board.

Using a chef’s knife, cut the cabbage in half down the middle, right through the stem. What you do next depends on how you plan to use your cabbage.

How to Make Shredded Cabbage

If you’re using your cabbage for coleslaw, salads or tacos, you’ll likely want to shred it. To shred cabbage, first remove the triangular core after cutting your cabbage in half. You can do this by cutting at an angle into the core where the stem and leaves meet.

Now you’re ready to start shredding. Place one cored half flat-side down on the cutting board. Starting at one end, cut across the head from top to bottom, creating very thin slices. You can also use a mandolin to shred cabbage.

How to Cut Cabbage into Wedges

If you’re roasting your cabbage or making a recipe like corned beef and cabbage, you’ll want your cabbage cut into wedges.

To do this, keep the core intact after cutting the head in half. This helps the leaves of the wedges stay together. Place the cabbage on the cutting board, cut-side down. Then slice wedge-shaped sections by cutting through the core.

Cabbage Recipes

Now that you know how to cut cabbage and how to avoid any potentially embarrassing side effects, it’s time to get cooking! Raw cabbage is great in salads, tacos and coleslaw. Cooked cabbage tastes amazing with corned beef or in borscht.

Here are some cabbage recipes we recommend:


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