Healthy Breakfast Meal Prep Ideas - Healthy recipes and cooking tips for a healthier lifestyle

Healthy Breakfast Meal Prep Ideas

June 5, 2024
Healthy Breakfast Meal Prep Ideas

Getting out of the house in the morning can be stressful, often leaving no time to prepare or sit down to a healthy breakfast. That’s why meal prepping for breakfast is such a timesaver. By preparing a few make-ahead breakfasts at the beginning of the week, you’ll take one thing off your hectic to-do list in the morning. Healthy meal prep breakfasts will also help you start your day energized and ready to tackle anything that comes your way.

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Ready to meal prep breakfast so you’ll have grab-and-go breakfasts at your fingertips that are nutritious, filling and tasty? Here are some meal-prepping tips and recipes that will make it easy to prepare breakfasts for yourself and the whole family without much effort.

5 Tips for Easy Breakfast Meal Prep

When it comes to meal prepping breakfast, you’ll want to think about making foods that work with your morning schedule and food preferences. Here are some tips to make easy work of breakfast prep:

  • Think about what kind of breakfasts you eat. Do you have time to sit down to a warm breakfast in the morning or do you need a grab-and-go breakfast you can eat in the car or once you get to the office? If you’re having breakfast on the go, do you need something that’s easy to hold in your hand and won’t be messy?
  • Make big batch recipes that store well. One of the easiest ways to meal prep breakfast is to make recipes that contain a lot of servings, such as breakfast casseroles, egg cups or muffins. This makes quick work out of making multiple breakfasts with a single effort.
  • Store servings individually. You’ll save time if your prepped breakfasts are stored in the fridge or freezer in individual containers so you can just grab one as you need it. Don’t wait to portion food out in the morning – do it right after cooking so there’s nothing left for you to do but eat.
  • Mix things up to avoid boredom. The best meal prep breakfast plan includes making a few different things so you can alternate what you eat from day to day. This is easy to do because many make-ahead breakfast recipes freeze well, so you don’t have to worry about the food going bad before you finish it up.
  • Invest in quality meal prep containers. If you plan to meal prep often, whether for breakfast or any other meal, it’s helpful to have a set of high-quality storage containers that fit the type of food you plan to make. Some breakfast foods are also easily wrapped in aluminum foil or plastic wrap.

10 Quick Healthy Breakfast Recipes

Whether you’re looking for high-protein breakfast meal prep recipes or you prefer something a bit on the sweeter side, we have plenty of healthy breakfasts that are easy to make in advance and store so they’re ready for you to eat no matter how short on time you may be in the morning. Here are some of our most popular breakfast meal prep recipes.

High Protein Breakfast Recipes:

Egg Muffin Cups

Sweet but Healthy Breakfast Recipes:

Blueberry Baked Oatmeal

Breakfast Meal Prep FAQs

Breakfast meal prep offers numerous benefits and is easy to do. But if you have questions about meal prepping foods for breakfast, check out the FAQs below.

Why should I consider meal prepping breakfast?

Making breakfast in advance can save you loads of time when you’re trying to get out the door and can also reduce the stress of your morning routine. As an added bonus, meal prepping breakfast is one of the easiest things to do because many recipes don’t require too much work and a single recipe makes multiple servings.

What are some benefits of breakfast meal prep?

One of the biggest benefits of meal prepping for breakfast is that it can save you valuable time in the morning. You’re also more likely to eat healthier when you have delicious and nutritious foods ready to go. You may also save money if you would otherwise pick up food on your way to work when nothing is easily available to eat at home.

How do I get started with meal prepping?

If you’re new to meal prep, breakfast is a great place to start. Think about one or two recipes you can make and go from there. Portion out recipes and store in individual servings to make things a breeze in the morning. You’ll likely find that breakfast meal prepping makes life so much easier and may soon want to meal prep lunch or dinner, too!

Can I meal prep breakfast for the whole week?

Absolutely! Many make-ahead breakfast recipes will last for most or all of the week. Hard-boiled eggs, for example, will last for about a week. Other prepared egg dishes may last for 4 – 5 days in the fridge and can also be frozen for longer storage. Baked goods are also easy to freeze so they last a long time.

How can I ensure my make-ahead breakfasts stay fresh and flavorful?

Your meal prepped breakfasts will stay fresher longer if you store them in quality storage containers. Foods that need to be refrigerated will typically stay for 4 to 5 days. Foods that can sit on the counter, like muffins or bread, will last longer if they’re in airtight containers and are kept away from sun, heat or moisture. Many breakfast foods also freeze well.

How long can meal prepped breakfasts last in the fridge?

It depends on what you make, but most fully cooked foods will last for about 4 to 5 days.

Can I freeze breakfasts in meal prep?

Many healthy breakfast recipes can be stored in the freezer after they cool down. Simply thaw it in the fridge the night before or pop it in the microwave to reheat and eat.

Are there any specific containers recommended for storing pre-made breakfasts?

The best meal prep containers are ones that are sized to store the food you make. Good quality containers with fitted lids will keep food fresher. Many people prefer glass storage containers over plastic ones.

What are some easy breakfast meal prep ideas?

If you don’t feel like following a recipe, you can easily put together breakfasts of fresh fruit, eggs, or healthy trail mix. You can also eat leftovers from lunch or dinner for a quick and easy breakfast. There are also plenty of healthy breakfast recipes on our site that are easy to make and good for you, too.

Should I cook everything when meal prepping breakfast?

If you’re short on time most mornings, cooking everything in advance is the easiest way to meal prep. But it’s not the only way. Some people like to prep ingredients, such as washing and chopping fruits and veggies, so they’re ready to grab when you want to cook something quickly.

How much time does breakfast meal prep usually take?

The amount of time it takes you to meal prep breakfasts depends on several factors, such as how many recipes you plan to make, how many servings you need and what kind of recipe you are following. The good news is that most breakfast recipes require minimal time and effort so it’s usually quicker to get these meals prepped than it is to pre-make dinner or lunch.

Other Meal Prep Ideas

Have the meal prep bug? If so, we have lots of other helpful tips and recipes to help you prepare any type of meal you desire. Don’t miss these other helpful blogs with insightful info about how to meal prep:

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