12 Easy Mediterranean Diet Recipes to Try Now - Healthy recipes and cooking tips for a healthier lifestyle

12 Easy Mediterranean Diet Recipes to Try Now

March 31, 2023

Are you ready to start eating better? Then it’s time to try the Mediterranean diet. The dietitians and chefs at the Health eCooks Test Kitchen have pulled together 12 easy Mediterranean diet recipes to help get you started.

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The Mediterranean diet can improve health faster for more people than any other diet or eating plan. There are lots of reasons why this healthy diet is ranked year after year as the best overall diet by U.S. News & World Report.

The Mediterranean diet isn’t actually a diet at all, at least not in the way that most people think of diets. It’s a lifestyle eating plan that focuses on natural, healthy foods enjoyed for thousands of years by people living along the Mediterranean Sea.

A Mediterranean eating style is not a vegetarian diet. But it does make plant-based foods a big part of your daily meal plan. That means you’ll eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, legumes and whole grains. You'll also choose foods with healthy fats and lean protein, such as olive oil and fish.

Medical research shows these easy-to-cook foods may help you feel better and live longer by lowering your risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

Best foods to eat on a Mediterranean Diet

You don’t have to live on a Greek island to adopt an easy-to-follow Mediterranean meal plan. Here are the best Mediterranean foods you should try to start eating more of:

  • Eat more nuts and seeds.

Heart-healthy fat and fiber in nuts and seeds help lower cholesterol in these Mediterranean dishes. Need ideas on how to cook with nuts or seeds? Then try the 12  Mediterranean diet recipes recommended here for beginner dieters.

  • Eat more healthy fats.

Healthy fats like those found in olive oil, nuts, avocados and fatty fish such as salmon should take up to 30 percent of your total daily calories. These foods are high in heart-healthy monounsaturated fat. Add these foods to your Mediterranean cooking plan to replace saturated and trans fats found in fatty meats and processed foods.

    • Base your diet around fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds. These provide hearty doses of antioxidants, loads of fiber and other vitamins and minerals that can help ward off disease.
    • Choose lean protein sources such as fish, chicken and beans more often than pork and red meat.
    • Enjoy yogurt and small portions of cheese daily. Yes! You can eat cheese on a Mediterranean diet. Just don’t eat too much.
    • Drink wine in moderation You may drink up to two glasses of wine per day if you are a man or one glass per day if you are a woman. Men and women’s bodies process liquor differently.  But if you’re not a drinker, don’t start.
    • Eat dessert! The diet allows for some sweets in small amounts. 

And remember that just because fats like olive oil and nuts are healthy, don’t eat them with abandon. These foods are actually high in total calories. Keep fat intake to about 30 percent of total calories, which comes to about 65 grams on a 2,000-calorie meal plan.

12 Easy Mediterranean Diet Recipes from Our Chefs and Dietitians

If you’re thinking of trying the Mediterranean Diet, watch the video as Health eCooks dietitian Jane Schwartz, RDN, CLT explains why these 12 easy Mediterranean diet recipes are made with the best foods you can eat.

Eat more nuts and seeds.

Heart-healthy fat and fiber in nuts and seeds help lower cholesterol in these Mediterranean diet recipes. Need ideas on how to cook with nuts or seeds? Then try these Mediterranean diet recipes.

Gluten Free Green Smoothie Bowl Recipe

Mediterranean diet breakfast recipes are trending this year because recipes like this Gluten Free Green Smoothie Bowl recipe taste great and keep you feeling full all day.  This recipe adds healthy nuts and seeds to your diet, but no gluten.

Heart Healthy Beet Dip Recipe

This bright and colorful Beet Dip recipe is almost too pretty to eat. With generous dollops of yogurt and honey, it’s a sweet party dip. The chopped walnuts put it squarely on the Mediterranean diet meal plan. Even people who think they don’t like beets will find themselves going back for more.

Heart Healthy Fresh Figs with Yogurt Recipe

Yes! You can make this quick and easy Mediterranean diet breakfast recipe for Fresh Figs with Yogurt. Just grab these 5 ingredients and in 5 minutes you’ll have a healthy breakfast. Don’t forget to sprinkle pistachios on top for a delectable crunch.

Eat more fish.

Start replacing meat with fish in meals. Fish is low in calories, high in protein and packed with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. If you don’t know how to cook fish, try one of these Mediterranean fish recipes.

Heart Healthy Almond Crusted Salmon Recipe

This Almond Crusted Salmon recipe is a fast and easy Mediterranean diet dinner. The crunchy almond crust adds a crispy coating to a juicy filet. Best of all, the salmon bakes in just 8 minutes.

Heart Healthy Fish Tacos Recipe

We use cod in this Fish Tacos recipe but you can use any white flakey fish that you like in this Mediterranean diet dinner recipe. Fish has healthy fats that are good for your heart. And while corn taco shells aren’t exactly Mediterranean, a taco is a great way to introduce fish to a reluctant eater.

Heart Healthy Tuna Kebabs Recipe

Grilling fish and fresh vegetables is a very popular way to cook for lunch or dinner in the Mediterranean. Don’t have a grill? Make these Tuna Kebabs in the broiler in your oven.

Eat more vegetables.

Aim to eat eight servings of vegetables or fruits every day. Choose vegetables in a variety of colors because they provide lots of nutrients and fiber. Or, try these Mediterranean recipes that use a lot of vegetables.

Heart Healthy Greek Zucchini Boats Recipe

It’s always good to have a boat when you’re on the Mediterranean and this halved and scooped zucchini -- stuffed with feta, chickpeas, and herbs -- makes a perfect zucchini boat. This heart-healthy vegetarian recipe is low in sodium and high in flavor.

Gluten-Free Eggplant Chickpea Stew Recipe

Many Mediterranean veggie recipes are not only good for your heart, they are gluten-free, too. Chickpeas make this eggplant stew recipe a robust and filling one-pot meal.

Heart Healthy Spinach, Chickpea and Feta Melts Recipe

With spinach, chickpeas and feta cheese, this heart-healthy recipe sounds Greek to me. And it is! Greece hugs the Mediterranean Sea and its citizens cook up many of the most popular and easy Mediterranean dishes, such as Spinach, Chickpea, and Feta Melt.

Make homemade salad dressing.

Store-bought dressing is full of sugar and preservatives that your body doesn’t need. Make your own dressing using healthy extra-virgin olive oil or, try these Mediterranean salad dressing recipes.

Heart Healthy Greek Salad Recipe

This is an easy-to-make recipe for homemade Greek Salad Dressing. Simply blend olive oil and lemon juice, add a favorite herb and salt and pepper. Use it to dress this classic Greek salad or any fresh green salad.

Heart Healthy Green Goddess Dressing Recipe

Do you prefer a thick and creamy salad dressing? Then make this yummy Green Goddess Dressing recipe. Blend spinach, cashew nuts, olive oil, lemon juice, and some herbs. It’s rich, delicious, and only 40 calories per serving.

Heart Healthy Balsamic Honey Vinaigrette Recipe

Do you like your salad dressing a little on the sweet side? We add honey to oil and vinegar and a few herbs to make this healthy Balsamic Honey Vinaigrette recipe.  You can pour this homemade dressing on any salad you whip up at home.

FAQ Easy Mediterranean Diet Recipes

What is the Mediterranean Diet?

This style of eating does not follow a stringent set of rules for what can and cannot be eaten or how much should be consumed. Rather, it is similar to the traditional eating habits of countries in the Mediterranean region, including Italy, Greece, Spain, Croatia, Turkey, and Morocco.

The diet encourages eating a variety of whole unprocessed plant-based foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, beans, and legumes. It also allows for the consumption of healthy fats, especially olive oil. Seafood is typically eaten at least twice a week. Poultry, eggs, cheese, yogurt, and red wine can be consumed in moderation. Red meats, sweets, and processed foods should be limited or avoided. The Mediterranean diet also encourages people to take the time to enjoy meals with friends and loved ones.

How can the Mediterranean diet improve my health? 

The Mediterranean diet can lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. It's rich in heart-healthy fats, fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

Is the Mediterranean diet suitable for vegetarians? 

While not a vegetarian diet, the Mediterranean diet emphasizes plant-based foods and can be easily adapted to vegetarian preferences by focusing on fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains.

What are some key components of the Mediterranean diet? 

Key components include healthy fats like olive oil, nuts, and avocados; lean proteins such as fish and poultry; plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains; and moderate consumption of dairy and wine.

Can I eat meat on the Mediterranean diet? 

Yes, but it's recommended to choose lean protein sources like fish and poultry more often than pork and red meat.

How much fat is allowed on the Mediterranean diet? 

Healthy fats should make up about 30% of total calories, which is around 65 grams on a 2,000-calorie meal plan.

Are there any sweets allowed on the Mediterranean diet? 

Yes, sweets are allowed in small amounts, but the focus should remain on natural, whole foods.

Can I drink wine on the Mediterranean diet? 

Yes, moderate wine consumption is allowed (up to two glasses per day for men and one glass per day for women). If you don't drink, it's not necessary to start.

Are these Mediterranean recipes easy to make? 

Yes, the 12 recipes provided are designed to be easy and accessible, perfect for those new to the Mediterranean diet.

What are the benefits of eating more fish on the Mediterranean diet? 

Fish is low in calories, high in protein, and packed with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for heart health.

How can I incorporate more vegetables into my meals? 

Aim to eat eight servings of vegetables or fruits daily, and try recipes that use a variety of colorful vegetables for added nutrients and fiber.

What types of salad dressings are recommended for the Mediterranean diet? 

Homemade dressings made with healthy fats like olive oil are recommended. Examples include Greek Salad Dressing, Green Goddess Dressing, and Balsamic Honey Vinaigrette.

Can you lose weight by following the Mediterranean Diet?

Many people lose weight by eating according to the principles of the Mediterranean Diet. If you find it difficult to lose weight, you may need to cut back a bit on some of the calorie-dense foods encouraged in this diet, such as olive oil, nuts, and seeds.

The heart healthy recipes on Health eCooks feature hundreds of easy Mediterranean recipes. Our low sodium, low fat recipes use fresh ingredients to inspire you to eat healthy, the way you would if you lived on the Mediterranean. For more tips and insights, check out our blog posts: Easy Tips to Lower Sodium in Your Diet, Don't Use This Olive Oil, The Best Non-Dairy Foods High in Calcium, and The Best Anti-Inflammatory Recipes.

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